
Chao Feng Electric Co., Ltd., Henan

Henan Chao Feng electrical an early harvest essays

As?early?as usual?routine,?content emphasizes:?focus on market segments,?adhere to continuous learning.

For the division of?market segments,?this?would?berepeated,?so?the boss is?determined to?this?strategy,?the next step?is?very sharp?collaboration?subdivision,?good products,?good market.

Focus on market segmentation.?First,?Henan?Feng?Electric Co. Ltd.?each?sales department?to?consolidate the?excel in their areas of?the market,?and?thinking?in the subdivided market,?find out the breakthrough of?heating equipmentdevelopment.?Secondly,?encourage each?sales department?to participate in the exhibition,?making?the tender,?expand the?related?contact?opportunities?on the upstream and downstream enterprises?and?industries,?and?gradually extending?market.?In the special?period?of economic crisis,all walks of life?benefits are?not very ideal,?but?also not to?go into a cul-de-sac?point,?rest on its laurels?onlytoward the?market shrinking?edge.?The?special period,?the more we?should stick to,?find the?breakthrough?in lost.Market segmentation?is a?continuation of the?future development of the law,?we?should do a good job,?a solid foundation?for the long-term development?work,?in the market segments.

We?always adhere to the continuous?learning.?Every one of us?needs to want to progress,?you need to constantlylearning,?constantly enrich himself.?Want to learn as?aprocess of enjoying,?today for tomorrow?to find a freshpoint,?motivate yourself constantly?learning,?so as to continuously?progress.?Finally,?the boss?on vice presidentLi Yuanchao?for example,?tells the story of?life is aconstant learning process……

These two years,?with the internationalization?of domestic economic development,?the fierce competition?betweendomestic and foreign counterparts,?the?following:?survival of the fittest in natural selection,?survival of the fittest?natural law?case,?struggling?small business development.?Induction heating?industry?leading enterprisesin?years,?the influence of natural?law,?the internal?system reform,?divided?segments of the market,?pay attention tomarket segments.?At the same time,?based?on?the?foreign market,?tracking,?consolidate the?service of the foreignmarket,?and slightly?effect.

Products?more?electrical equipment?manufacturers Henansuper?front?have been sold to Russia,?Malaysia,?Singapore,Korea,?Japan,?Taiwan and other countries and regions,products?and a certain degree of?stability?in the market in2013,?by dividing the?system reform and?market segments,?we put?part of the?target?to?the regional market,?and increase the?innovation?the footsteps,?through joint efforts,?the development of?expected a better.

At present,?the intermediate frequency?furnace,?medium frequency induction?heating machine manufacturer?-?Feng,Henan 2013?-?Feng Electrical Equipment?Co. Ltd?has twofocus?on?research and development of new products: 1,market?positioning.?2,?network marketing integration.

Both?segments of the market?or?network?marketing?is?throughsales,?based on this,?small make up?to share with you: the sale of the?truth:

[sales]?is equal to?chat

1,?the real sales?is a pleasant?chat?chat?process;?each other’s wishes,?chat,?chat?to?each other?about?each other’s aspirations,?talk?how to?take?each other’s?concerns.

2,?the real sales?no?opposition,?no buyers?not?sellers.

3,?the real sales?are one?solution to the problem?for each other.

4,?the real sales?do not need to?convince each other.

5,?the real sales?each other without?pressure.

6,?the real sales?we said?to each other is?to hear,?we sell is?the other wants.

7,?the real sales?is full of?a sense of value?and significance.

8,?the real sales,?after?the other will?say thank you.

A lot of people think,?sales?is very difficult process.Once you understand?the sale of the road,?you will changethe sales?experience,?sales?pressure,?need to?convince each other?with?sales,?sales?very hard.?Or?have such idea,?do you think?you asked,?the original?is?you do somethingvaluable and?meaningful.?You are taking?to worry about?each other.?Simply put,?you?solve problems for?each other.?The real sales?only two steps:

First: we?understand each other’s desire?and fear.

Second:?use our knowledge,?products and services to complete?each other’s wishes,?take?each other’s?concerns.

The biggest harvest?[sales]

Not?how much percentage,?not?promotion,?not increase thebragging rights,?not?to complete the task,?the biggest selling?the harvest?is:?your?life than a?people who trust you!

The biggest enemy of ?sales

Not the match,?not the price is too high,?not?to?your customers,?not the company?system,?the product is not?bad,the biggest enemy is:?your complaints.
